Lavender with chartreuse edge above yellow to green throat. Tetraploid, Early/Mid, Semi-evergreen, 22 inch scape, 6.25 bloom, 16-20 bud count, 3 way branching, Kinnebrew, 2003
Crimson with crimson eye and wide creamy beige edge above green throat, Tetraploid, Evergreen, 30 inch scape with 4 inch bloom. Early to midseason, rebloom, 16-20 bud count, 3-way branch, Carr, 2000
Mauve edged buff with purple eyezone and green throat. Tetraploid, 22 inch scpate with 5.5 inch bloom. Early, Rebloom, 16-20 bud count and 5 way branching. Moss 1987
Apricot self above yellow to green at center throat, Diploid, Dormant, 18 inch space, 4 inch bloom, extra early, 10-15 bound count with 3-way branching. (Apps, 2000)
Cool medium blue violet edged gold with broad ivory cream eyezone and green throat, Tetraploid, evergreen, 29 inch scape with 5.25 inch bloom, early, rebloom
Light salmon with reverse bitone sepals, maroon eye bursting from green throat, matching maroon picotee. Tetraploid, semi-evergreen, 24 inch scape, 6 inch bloom, 16-20 bud count with 3-way branching, early to midseason, rebloom.
Light cream, dark plum eye and edge with an intense green throat. Tetraploid, evergreen, 28 inch scape with 6.5 bloom. Early midseason, rebloom, 21-25 bud count with 3-way branching.
Mauve purple with silver lavender edge above green throat, Tetraploid, evergreen, 30 inch scape with 6 inch bloom, early midseason, rebloom, 26-30 bud count with 6-way branching.
Deep lavender with chalky lavender halo, double edge and a yellow green throat, Tetraploid, evergreen, 26 inch scape with 6.5 inch bloom, early midseason, rebloom, 10-15 bud count with 3-way branching. (Jaques, 2011)
Light yellow green with yellow green edge above olive throat, Tetraploid, evergreen, 22 inch scape with 5 inch bloom, early midseason, rebloom, nocturnal, 21-25 bud count with 3-way branching. (Grace, 2001)
(Rudolph, 1978)
height 36in (91cm), bloom 6in (15.0cm), season Early, dormant, tetraploid, very fragrant, dusty burnt orange with deeper halo and green yellow throat
yellow rose wash blend with large yellow edge above green throat, tetraploid, semi-evergreen, 29 inch scape with 5 inch bloom, early-midseason, rebloom, 21-25 bud count with 2-way branching.
baby pink eye of cobalt violet and marine violet veils and this violet edge yellow to orange throat, Tetraploid, evergreen, 33 inch scape with 5.5 inch bloom, early-midseason, rebloom, 10-15 bud count with 3-way branching.
yellow with plum eyezone and green throat, tetraploid, evergreen, 28 inch scape with 5.5 inch bloom, early midseason, 21-25 bud count with 3-way branching (Trimmer, 1998)
very pale orange petals (RHS 24A) gold throat, double edge of reddish orange and gold, large yellow throat outlined in reddish orange, tetraploid, semi-evergreen, 30 inch scape with 5.75 inch bloom, early midseason, rebloom, 10-15 bud count with 2-way branching (Maryott, 2015)
Peachy cream with feathery magenta eyezon, green heart that carries into the sepals, Diploid, semi-evergreen, 26 inch scape, 6.5 inch bloom, early-midseason, reblooms 15 bud count. (Sherrill, 2017)
pink with cherry red eye and edge above green throat, tetraploid, evergreen, 27 inch scape with 5 inch bloom, early to midseason, rebloom, with 21-25 bud count with 4-way branching. (Stamile, 1998)
orange with orange red chevron eyezone above gold to olive green throat, Diploid, dormant, 38 inch scape with 6.5 inch bloom, early midseason, rebloom. (Reed, 1994)
maroon over yellow spider with maroon eyezone and yellow throat, diploid, dormant, 33 inch scape with 7.5 inch bloom, early midseason. (Brockington, 1990)
rose pink with red eye above green throat, tetraploid, evergreen, 30 inch scape with 5.75 inch bloom, early midseason, rebloom, 16-20 bud count with 2-way branching. (Trimmer, 2007)
light pink with small light maroon eye and maroon and gold double edge above yellow throat, tetraploid, evergreen, 22 inch scape, 6 inch bloom, early midseason, rebloom, 16-20 bud count with 3-way branching (Mitchell, 2003)
pale lavender pink with black purple edge and black purple eyezone above green throat, Tetraploid, semi-evergreen, 24 inch scape, 5 inch bloom, early midseason, rebloom. (Salter, 1994)
lavender pink, complex eye of cerise, lavender blue veined with emerald throat, tetraploid, evergreen, 30 inch scape, with 6.5 inch bloom, early, rebloom, 16-20 bud count with 4-way branching. (Hansen, 2012)
pale pink with gold edge above yellow to green heart throat, tetraploid, evergreen, 27 inch scape, 6.25 bloom, early to midseason, rebloom, 21-25 bud count with 2-way branching. (Trimmer, 2006)
linen yellow with blue violet eye above green throat, tetraploid, evergreen, 29 inch scape, 7 inch bloom, early midseason, rebloom, 26-30 bud count with 5-way branching. (Hansen, 2003)
pale pink with yellow rose edge above green yellow throat, tetraploid, evergreen, 32 inch scape with 6 inch bloom, early midseason, rebloom, 16-20 bud count, 4-way branching. (Hansen, 2001)